
Our Mission is to Empower Your Vision

With advanced eye care and personalized treatments, we are dedicated to enhancing your vision and improving your quality of life.


Our Mission is to Empower Your Vision

My Mission is to Empower Your Life

With advanced eye care and personalized treatments, we are dedicated to enhancing your vision and improving your quality of life.

In-Patient Services

Specialized eye care treatments and surgeries provided in a comfortable hospital setting

Out-Patient Services

Comprehensive eye care and specialist consultations for all non-hospitalized patients.

Precision Scanning & Imaging

Advanced imaging technology ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatment planning

24 X 7 Ocular Trauma Clinic

Immediate and comprehensive care for eye injuries and emergencies, available round the clock.

Contact Lens Clinic

Expert fittings and personalized care for comfortable and clear vision with contact lenses.

Orthoptic Evaluation

Thorough assessments and treatments for binocular vision and eye movement disorders.

SSM Eye Research Foundation

SSM Eye Research Foundation conducts innovative research to enhance eye care and treatment.

Swarnam Eye Bank

Swarnam Eye Bank facilitates corneal donations and provides sight-saving surgeries for patients.

Visual evoked potential and ERG

Visual evoked potential (VEP) and electroretinogram (ERG) measure electrical responses to light stimuli.

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Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Take the first step towards better vision. Book your appointment with our specialists for personalized eye care.

Elevate Your Knowledge with Our Eye Care Blogs

Explore our expert blogs for valuable insights and tips on maintaining optimal eye health and understanding vision care.